Stephen Kuhn

Stephen Kuhn has been leading recovery groups, speaking at college campuses, and providing free online counseling through Belt of Truth Ministries ever since he got steamrolled by Jesus and set free from the chains of porn addiction. His passion is to allow God to use the story of redemption in his life to encourage other men to seek healing through the work of Christ as well.

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Covenant Eyes | Finding Freedom from the Cave of Shame

“The moment you put your faith in what Jesus did on the cross for you, all manner of incredible happens to you. Near the top of the astonishing list of realities is this: You receive a brand new core identity. Your shame story, all of it, was eradicated at the cross.”

X3Church | 3 Ways To Beat The Shame

“Shame is an enemy that we all deal with and something that the porn addict is only all too familiar with.  One of the reasons that pornography maintains such a strong hold on men (and women) is the incredible shame that comes along with viewing it.”

Relevant | The Difference Between Accountability and Shaming Is Really Important

“Those four words—can you help me—have the power to change our lives. The moment where our desire for change overcomes our insecurity about asking for help is the moment we discover a new sense of personal momentum.”

Key Life | How to Love a Jerk Like Me

“As a Christian, it can be hard to know when and how to stand up for what, and when. It’s humility that brings us to God, but then we beef up our egos on the idea that we are the only people with truth. But the truth we’re privy to isn’t what we make it out to be. It’s not some unified political theory or certainty about how to react in every situation, it’s a simple message of God’s love for all.”

Artist Spotlight | Tony Anderson

The Moment You Trust Christ: You Receive Assurance of Eternity in Heaven

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Relevant | Science Proves the Value of Emotional Honesty

“The findings were intriguing because I am so quick to think the strongest are usually the quietest. Isn’t that how it goes? Whomever complains the least, whomever can stand the pain the longest without a word spoken, those are the individuals to aspire to be like? These silent individuals are the toughest of specimens.”

Desiring God | Seven Promises to Pray Against Porn

“Right now, in Christ, you are free. You must believe it. You are not doomed to digital dungeons. Don’t go online with palms up and wrists ready for sin’s chains.”

Head Heart Hand | Loneliness is Killing Us

“I encourage you to make the time. Find the regular, standing appointment. Fellowship with the men in your church. Don’t be afraid of the awkwardness or effort it takes to do this. Modern research is showing us what God has told us all along: It is not good for man to be alone.”

CovenantEyes | Why is my husband so angry? It all comes down to shame.

“If we look at the core beliefs of a sex addict we see even more reasons for them to be angry. A sex addict believes he is an unworthy and unlovable person. He usually learned at a young age that he can depend on no one but himself. An exception to this is the addict with a doting parent (usually mother) who learned that he must be incapable of taking care of himself since she does everything for him…reinforcing the feelings of being unworthy. This kind of self-loathing once again is exhibited as displaced anger, usually directed toward wife, kids, or intimate objects.”

Andrew T. Walker | Should You Call a Transgender Person “Him” or “Her”?

The Moment You Trust Christ: You are Granted Full Access to God

"Let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most" (Hebrews 4:16).

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Wesley Hill | Sex for Christians: Self-Giving and Sanctifying

“Eventually, without ever losing this radical preference for celibacy, the early Christians came to realize that marriage, too, could be a way of pointing to the same resurrection hope. St. Augustine, who often (half the time unfairly, it must be said) gets a bad rap for being anti-sex, was the church father who saw clearly that finding a spouse, having sex, and starting a family could also point you toward heaven. Marriage itself, with sexual intimacy as its seal, could be a kind of parable of the way Jesus binds himself in love to the church as a whole.”

Brad Hambrick | Why Your Pastor Can’t Be More Practical than You Are Honest

“The reality is no one – regardless of how strong their gift of teaching or keen their insights into the human condition – can be more practical than we are honest. This is not an indictment on their ability to teach, but on our ability to receive.”

Desiring God | You Can’t Turn from Temptation on Your Own

“If you ask, how does the renewal happen? How does the mind of the spirit get altered so that I’m not in rebellion anymore, and I’m not finding more pleasure in me, but more in God? The answer is, the Holy Spirit comes and does a double work.”

The Wardrobe Door | When Jesus Didn’t Call His Father Good

“For Jesus, He has had that deep personal relationship with God the Father for eternity. Stretching back, beyond the dawn of creation, that connection was there. Except the one instance when it wasn’t.”

Hillsong | So Will I

The Moment You Trust Christ: You Receive the Promise of Life

“I have been sent out to tell others about the life he has promised through faith in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 1:1).

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Relevant | What Christian Culture Gets Wrong About Purity

“Our relationship with Jesus is a lot like a cup of coffee. The goal is to transform water into something else. It’s simple. Beans and water. Put them together. But if you take some beans and drop them into water, have you made coffee? No. What you have is not the morning pick-me-up you were looking for, it’s soggy beans inside of dirty water. It’s not one new substance, it’s two objects occupying the space.”

Gospel Coalition | Race, the Gospel, and the Moment

“First, Christians should look at the energized and emboldened white nationalism movement, and at its fascist slogans, and condemn it—full stop.”

TrueFace | The Beautiful Questions

“His quote gives even more urgency for me personally to live out of my identity in Christ. To ask the questions that get to form when I am no longer fighting to prove that I am enough, or hiding from the things I fear will confirm I am not enough. When that game diminishes, such beautiful questions emerge.”

Desiring God | Does God Like Me?

“Thomas Goodwin understood the human heart. He knew how easily Christians tend to feel defeated in life. He knew we naturally develop a sense that we are disappointing God, letting him down. He knew it is hardwired into us to view God as parsimonious instead of greathearted. But Goodwin also understood that the antidote to this debilitating cloud of ambiguity is provided by the Bible itself.”

Propaganda | G.O.S.P.E.L.

The Moment You Trust Christ: Your Value is Confirmed by God

"God bought you with a high price" (1 Corinthians 6:20).

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

LifeWay Men | The Importance of Knowing God as Father

“To see healing in our lives, homes, and cities, we must truly see God as our Father and know that we have access to Him through His Son, Jesus, our Brother. Only when we fully live from our identity as children of the Most High can we embrace His calling for our lives. Once we know we have a Father who deeply loves us and passionately pursues us, we can begin the process of embracing our high calling to make disciples.”

Tim Challies | 10 Issues To Work Through Before You Get Married

“It is rare that a couple enters marriage without a romantic and sexual history (with one another or with others) and these issues can be very difficult to discuss resolve. They can put an immense weight on a young marriage. Have you spoken to your future spouse about their sexual history in sufficient detail that you know enough? Have you asked and extended forgiveness for whatever sexual history you have accumulated?”

AndSons | Recovering the Romance

“A shocking, massive revelation for many people to hear that God cares about—even yearns for—the life of our hearts. That our hearts even matter to God is one of the greatest, most hopeful turns of faith that can come into our lives.”

Relevant | 16 Cringeworthy Dating-Themed Sermon Titles (Satire)

“There’s one thing worse than not preaching about sex at all, and that’s preaching about sex in the way of these sermon titles (that we made up) listed below.”

Heart of Man | Official Movie Trailer

The Moment You Trust Christ: You Receive the Gift of Faith

"Oh, how generous and gracious our Lord was! He filled me with the faith and love that come from Christ Jesus" (1 Timothy 1:14).