
We were never meant to shut down our desires. God gave them to us for a reason and He wants us to be driven by our holy desires to accomplish great things in His name for His kingdom.

5 Ways Pornography Affects a Father’s Relationship with His Daughter

Pornography Affects on a Daughter

Photo by BrianTuchalskiPhotography

Many people will claim that pornography is a victimless crime. “It’s not hurting anyone,” they say. “What a man does behind closed doors is his own prerogative.”

The problem with that belief though, is it couldn’t be further from the truth. Pornography hurts everyone involved, and the closer someone is to the user, the more likely they are to be deeply hurt.

One of the more common places where this can happen is the relationship between a dad and his little girl. For that reason, I think it’s important to consider five ways pornography use affects a father’s relationship with his daughter.

1. It will Cause Him to Pull Away from Her when She Needs Him Most

If a father is looking at porn, he will have a hard time offering appropriate loving affection to his daughter once she starts to mature physically. He will notice her looking more and more like the women he has been watching online, and misplaced shame will cause him to avoid hugging her because it just doesn’t feel right anymore.

Sadly, his daughter will notice this and begin to wonder why she’s no longer receiving affection from her father. This frequently leads girls to believe there is something wrong with them or, often times, to seek affection elsewhere (usually in the arms of a teenage boy who has noticed her physical changes as well).

2. It Hinders His Ability to Model a Loving Husband/Wife Relationship to Her

The shame that frequently comes from porn use will cause most men to become distant, isolated, and hidden. Rather than modeling how a husband should be pursuing his wife daily, he will be teaching his daughter to settle for a man who merely exists physically—but not emotionally—within the same house.

Furthermore, the percentage of divorce cases that site pornography use as major contributing factor is extremely high. This was the unfortunate end-result of my own addiction, which means my daughter is now growing up in two separate homes with two separate parents. She may have a wonderful example of a mom, and (hopefully) a great example of a dad, but our divorce has robbed her of the opportunity to observe how a mom and a dad can lovingly interact with one another.

3. It Communicates the Wrong Messages to Her about Beauty

There are countless stories of girls discovering porn on their dad’s computer and believing she must look and act like these women if she wants a man to notice her. These beliefs will often stay with her for many years, if not her entire life. But even if she never discovers the porn itself, she’s likely to notice other behaviors in her dad that often come with porn use:

  • Turning his head to watch a girl walk by in tight pants
  • Looking down the shirts of her friends
  • Paying more attention to the cheerleaders than the game itself

You see, when a man uses pornography, the way he views all women changes, and examples such as these become much more likely (and noticeable) in his life.

4. It Takes Him out of His Role as the Spiritual Leader and Protector of the Home

There are many views in the church regarding the presence of negative spiritual influences. The Bible makes it clear, however, these things not only exist, but they are actively seeking to harm us (see Ephesians 6:13, 1 Peter 5:8 . I personally experienced frequent nightmares and terrifying visions when I was in the grip of my addiction to pornography, but they stopped completely once I asked God to set me free from the bondage I had invited into my life. That was proof enough for me that there was something very real about the connection between spiritual forces and my porn addiction.

Now, I can’t say for sure whether a father’s use of porn will invite spiritual bondage into other members of his home. What I do know, though, is the risk is certainly not worth it. You wouldn’t invite a known criminal into your house, so why would you open the door to any other negative influences?

5. It Pulls the E-brake on His Walk with God

Ultimately, compulsive porn use will hinder a father’s relationship with God. This is not the result of God turning away from him because of his ongoing sin (Thankfully, God’s love is never dependent upon our behavior). It’s because the man has chosen to rely on his own power to manage his life and meet his needs.

Trying to manage and meet the needs in your life independently from God is exhausting. And, as a father, I can assure you that being an effective parent without God’s help is impossible. That’s why it’s vitally important to rely on Him for the wisdom and ability you will need to effectively guide your little girl into becoming a healthy woman. The role of a father is far too great to try to do on your own.


Fathers, I don’t tell you these things to make you feel guilty about looking at porn. I tell you them to help you recognize the full effect it may be having on those you love.

Don’t lose heart, though. There is hope. Freedom from pornography is available for those who seek it. The best part is that it’s not about learning to fight better or resist temptation more effectively. In fact, it has nothing to do with what you are capable of at all.

Freedom comes when you are given a new heart, with new desires. A heart that no longer desires porn because it’s found something so much greater. That, my friend, is true freedom…and that freedom can only come from Christ.

10 Lies Men Believe about Porn Preview

Why is a Five-Year-Old Girl Telling Me She Loves Me?

As a single-parent, my time with my daughter is limited, so any chance I get to squeeze in additional time with her is a huge blessing. One of my favorite ways to get some of this “bonus time,” is by helping out in her kindergarten class.

Every Monday, I go in and help the kids come up with words that begin with “H” or words that rhyme with mouse. If it gets any deeper than that I punt back to the teacher.

As much as I love working with these kids, though, I often leave with a heavy heart. Why? Because a sweet little five-year-old girl, who is not my daughter, keeps telling me that she loves me.

Importance of a Father's Love

Photo by Jason L. Parks

I noticed something was different about Susan (not her real name) from the first day. As soon as I was introduced to the class, she came up to me and said:

“Hi Steve! I’m Susan. Do you like my dress.”

No more than ten minutes later, she came back up to me and hugged my arm:

“I like when you come and see us, Steve.”

I had said maybe ten words to this girl all morning, yet for some reason she had latched onto me. At one point, I went to give her a high-five and she tried to hold my hand instead. As I left that morning, she told me the same thing she continues to tell me every time I’m there:

“I love you Steve.”

Why would this five-year-old-girl, who doesn’t even know me, tell me over-and-over that she loves me? Because she desperately wants me (or any father-figure for that matter) to love her back.

I happen to know Susan doesn’t have a dad at home. I don’t know the circumstances that have led to this situation, nor do I presume to pass judgement on anyone involved. What I do know though, is there is a void in Susan’s heart because of this absence. A void she is attempting to fill by reaching out to me.

The Importance of a Father’s Love

In his book, What a Difference a Daddy Makes, Dr. Kevin Leman explains what he calls “Daddy Attention Deficit Disorder (D.A.D.D.).” He mentions that many dads are simply not there for their daughters. Some are emotionally absent, refusing to engage their daughter’s heart out of fear or confusion. Some are physically distant, working long hours or spending their weekends focused on hobbies that keep them out of the home. Sadly, many are not present in their daughter’s life at all.

This absence of a father’s love is often interpreted by a little girl as a sign that she is not worthy of love. Her heart is aching to be loved by her dad, but no love is offered to her.

Unfortunately, many girls will eventually seek to find this masculine love elsewhere, just like Susan.

When a five-year-old approaches
a man she has just met and
tells him she loves him, it’s cute.
When a sixteen-year-old does it,
it’s heartbreaking.


Make Sure Your Daughter Knows You Love Her

Dads, your daughters need you to love them. Hug them. Hold them. Snuggle with them. Wrestle with them. Tickle them. Whether they recognize it or not, they crave your healthy touch.

Tell your girl that she’s beautiful. Let her know that you notice her. Remind her how much you delight in her.

Above all else, remind her daily that you will always love her…no matter what. Remind her that there is nothing she could ever do to make you love her any more or any less, because you already love her with all of your love.

Pick up the phone, or better yet, pick up your little girl, and let her know how much you love her. Whether your daughter is five or fifty-five, it’s never too late to begin showering her with your fatherly love.

When she starts rolling her eyes and saying “Yeah, yeah. I know Dad. You tell me that every day,” then you know you’re doing it right.

You can do this, dads. Your daughter’s need you to.

How much do you love your daughter? Share with us in the comments and then tell the same thing to your little girl.

10 Lies Men Believe about Porn Preview

What The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Taught Me about My Masculine Heart

Sean O'ConnellIf you ask any man what his favorite movies are, you will more than likely get a list of classics such as Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones, Iron Man, and other movies involving swords and explosions. Few men will add Sleepless in Seattle or The Notebook to their Netflix queue unless an attractive female wants to watch it with them. When was the last time you heard a guy say, “Hey bro, wanna grab a pizza and watch Notting Hill?” Probably never. So why is it the majority of men all seem to like the same types of movies?

Perhaps it’s because these movies awaken the deep sense of adventure that God has placed in your masculine soul.

Adventures are exciting because you are forced to figure out the answers as you go along. The outcome—and often the path—is unknown. You don’t know how it’s going to end. There may be danger involved. Failure is a possibility. Driving to the grocery store to pick up a gallon of milk is not an adventure. Finding the grocery store on fire and running in to rescue people is. Which scenario gets you more excited as a man? I can’t be the only one who fantasizes about things such as rescuing people from burning buildings or fighting off mountain lions on the trail. It’s written in our hearts as men.

I have long been aware of this desire for adventure inside me, but I misunderstood the root of it for many years. You see, adventure isn’t just about getting an adrenaline fix or doing something worthy of a YouTube video. It’s about being alive. God created men to desire adventure because the skills we learn through it—endurance, perseverance, trust, risk—are the same skills we need to experience a life fully alive to Him. After all, the greatest adventure of all—the only adventure that will fully meet this need within a man—is the adventure of living by faith.

But what happens if you ignore your desire for adventure, refuse to take risks, and choose to live a “safe” life? Life will become nothing more than punching a clock, doing your daily duties, and only saying the “right” things so you don’t stir the pot. Men who accept this life become passive…jaded…bored. When these men see the grocery store in flames, they drive right past it and look for a safer place to buy their milk. Instead of adventure, they settle for something safer—something free from risk. Sadly, the longer a man goes down this road, the more tempted he will be to retreat into fantasy.

Fantasy is the opposite of adventure, though. Instead of awakening life within you, it encourages you to hide from life. It promises an escape from the pain and disappointment in your real world that you are too afraid to face. Instead of embracing the risk of addressing these things and entering into the adventure of faith that God has called you to, you check out. You turn to TV, video games, hobbies, or even sinful things such as pornography or drunkenness as a means of distracting yourself from the hard realities of real life. But these distractions are not real. They are merely fantasies robbing you from the life God is calling you to.

Secret Life of Walter MittyBen Stiller’s new movie, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, illustrates this pull between the masculine longing for adventure and the false solution of fantasy, which is why I think it should be required viewing for every man.

In the movie, Walter is bored. He lives his life according to duty. There is no drama, no romance, and certainly no adventure in his world. Walter is afraid to take risks, so he settles for merely daydreaming about the type of life he truly desires.

Inevitably, Walter comes to a crossroads in his life. He is given the opportunity to enter into an adventure far beyond anything he has experienced before. But in order to do so, he must take enormous risks. Each time he steps outside of his comfort zone, though, it becomes easier and easier for him to do it the next time. By the end of the movie, Walter has been transformed from a coward into “a cross between Indiana Jones and the lead singer of The Strokes.”

Just like Walter Mitty, if you want to experience the adventure God has called you to, you will need to step out of your comfort zone and take risks. You will need to trust God completely, even when it seems risky, illogical, or unsafe. But the more you trust Him, the easier it will be to trust Him further. Before you know it, you will find yourself living your own adventure of faith, trusting God in ways you never before dreamed possible.

So, my brother, if you are hiding behind fantasy, I would strongly encourage you to stop talking yourself out of the adventure God is calling you to. Be honest with yourself and ask what will make your heart come alive more: Risking whatever it takes to follow God, love your family, and impact the Kingdom for eternity; or getting caught up on your DVR? It’s like asking if you’d rather watch Gladiator or Dirty Dancing, isn’t it?

The real world needs your strength. Your family needs your strength. And the only way to start believing you have it is to trust God when He calls you to run toward the burning building. Yes, you may get singed in places, but it’s worth it.

The adventure of faith is always worth it.

The world tells you “Don’t climb on that, don’t break anything,
don’t be so aggressive, don’t be so noisy,
don’t be so messy, don’t make such crazy risks.”
But God’s design—which he placed in boys
as the picture of himself—is a resounding yes.
Be fierce, be wild, be passionate.
~John Eldredge, Wild at Heart~

What movies have spoken to your heart as a man?

10 Lies Men Believe about Porn Preview

How Jesus Used a Cute Girl on a Bike to Remind Me of His Love

In case you can’t tell by my author photo, I work out.

(Insert sarcastic emoticon here)

In all seriousness though, I really am a bit of a gym rat.

The gym I go to is pretty small, so I like to get there ridiculously early and claim the lone barbell before the 6am crowd shows up. This also gives me time to follow-up my workout with a 2-3 mile walk before I head off to work.

I usually listen to a sermon or podcast as I walk my loop, which is a big part of why these walks have become one of the most enjoyable parts of my day.

But there’s another reason why I’ve been looking forward to these walks lately:

The cute girl on the bike.

A few months ago I decided to spice things up and walk my loop in the opposite direction. Livin’ on the edge, right?

Hi Wayne

Hi Wayne!

By walking the loop this way, my route happened to cross paths with an incredibly attractive girl on a bike who, judging by her outfit, was commuting to work. Naturally, my mind deduced that if she rides by here at this time on Monday morning, there’s a good chance she will ride by here on Wednesday morning as well.

I convinced myself that I must test out my hypothesis, so Wednesday morning I set out for my walk in the same direction. Sure enough, there she was again.

Only this time, she smiled at me.

Game over.

To be honest, I have no idea what that smile meant. More than likely it was nothing more than a polite acknowledgment of my presence, much like the smile one would give a passing coworker in the office hallway. Being a guy though (and all of you guys will know exactly what I’m talking about here), I decided that her smile meant she liked what she saw.

I convinced myself that she desired me, and I really liked the way that felt.

As much as I’d like to say I immediately recognized the danger of the situation and switched back to my original walking route, I actually did just the opposite. I purposefully began timing my walks hoping to align them with her commute and have another opportunity to receive a smile.

Most mornings, I did.

And then one morning, she stopped riding by.

The weather was getting colder and she probably started taking the bus or driving to work for all I know. The funny thing though, is I found myself feeling as if I had been rejected. Even though we had never even talked, I felt like something had been taken away from me.

It was in this moment that I sensed Jesus speaking to my heart:

Why are you sad?

Because I liked being desired. I liked being wanted.

But you are desired…You are wanted…by Me and My Father.

I know Lord, but it still felt good to be desired by a pretty girl.

Of course it felt good. She was beautiful. Her smile makes everyone smile—including Me. But no woman can ever desire you in a way that will fully satisfy your longing to be desired. Only My love can fill that hole in your heart. Furthermore, how could she desire you if she doesn’t even know you? I know everything about you—the good and the bad—and I still desire to be with you so strongly that I paid for the opportunity with my own life.

Yeah, I guess no girl can compete with that type of love, huh?

No earthly relationship can compete with My love. Perhaps someday I will bring you a spouse whose desire for you will compliment my love, but it must never compete with my love or it will become an idol. That is not for you to be concerned with at this moment though. For now, just focus on My love and My desire for you.

I want to Lord, but I will need your help.

And I will give it to you. For starters, perhaps it will help to know that she was only smiling at you because you had toilet paper stuck to your shoe. Remember, kid, pride comes before the fall.

And that’s how Jesus used a cute girl on a bike to remind me of how much He loves me.

What situations has Jesus used in your life to remind you of His love?

10 Lies Men Believe about Porn Preview

How Come Nobody Ever Tells You This?

How come nobody tells you when you first start looking at porn that it has the potential to drag you into a life of hiddenness, addiction, lies, and affairs?

How come no one warns you that one day your wife may tell you she no longer loves you because she doesn’t think she can ever trust you again? In fact, she doesn’t even know who you are anymore.

How come nobody tells you that someday, you will find out your wife’s relationship status on Facebook has been changed to “In a relationship.”  You will see a picture of her standing with her arm around her new man at his graduation, almost exactly like the picture taken of the two of you ten years earlier. You will see the look of affection in her eyes and the smile you have missed for so long.

But it won’t be for you, it will be for him. And it will feel like you’ve been punched in the stomach by the Incredible Hulk.

Flowers-growing-out-of-the-concrete-photography23In case you haven’t figured it out yet, that just happened to me two days ago. And to say it hurts would be an understatement.

If you’ve read my story, you already know that I’ve committed to wait for her for as long as it takes. The majority of my friends have told me I should move on, but I know God has called me to keep loving her and honoring her as if she were still my wife. I know it sounds crazy, but because the love of Christ dwells in me now, I love her even more today then when we were married. The more you love though, the more you risk getting hurt.

I guess that’s why this hurts so much.

I know myself well enough to recognize how this type of emotional pain has the potential to lead me back into hiding, which could lead me towards other addictive behaviors as well. So instead of isolating myself, I reached out to my friends and shared my hurt with them. Luckily, God has blessed me with some amazing friends. Every one of them gave me the support I needed in that moment.

They also gave me some great advice:

God is bigger than her boyfriend. Don’t forget, He’s still in control.

Yes, God is in control of this situation. He can use this for good. I preach that here all the time. I guess it’s time for me to drink my own Kool-Aid.

Your job is to just relax, trust God, and love her. God’s got this. That’s why they pay Him the big bucks.

I can try to control the situation, but where will that get me? All I can focus on is what God has called me to do. And right now, that’s to love her and trust Him.

God used Balaam’s donkey to speak to Him. Maybe He’s going to use this Jack-ass to speak to her?

Truer words have never been spoken.

Later that night, as I was praying for my wife (and her new boyfriend—fake it till you make it, right?), the Spirit of God laid this prayer on my heart:

Lord, please help her to surrender her dreams to You so that You can bring life to her heart’s deepest dreams. Help her to surrender her plans to You so that she can recognize Your plan for her. If this guy is part of your plan, then please make Him a man after your heart so that he can love her in the way she deserves to be loved. I trust your plan, Lord, and your timing.

I am slowly starting to reach a point where I have peace with this new situation. I survived the last boyfriend so I can survive this one. I still don’t like the idea of a potential step-father for my daughter, but again, I recognize God is in control. None-the-less, the pain is still there. And, because God is always looking for teaching opportunities, He told me this last night:

The way you love her is the way I love you. Which means this pain you feel when she chooses someone else and rejects your love is the same pain I feel when my children do the same to me. It breaks my heart when you choose to pursue sin rather than my perfect love. But don’t forget, her rejection won’t cause you to abandon your love for her, and your rejection will never cause me to abandon my love for you. I love you with all my love, no matter what, and that will never change—no matter how many times you reject me.

And with that gentle reminder, God brought me from tears of pain to tears of joy.

Once again, God has brought beauty from ashes.

10 Lies Men Believe about Porn Preview

Why am I Not Prospering in My Walk with God?

Today’s guest post is by Dr. Neil Anderson of Freedom in Christ Ministries. Dr. Neil’s ministry has been instrumental in my own journey to recovery from pornography, specifically his book The Bondage Breaker. For that reason, I have always had a soft spot in my heart for his ministry. I am honored to be able to share with you one of his recent posts from his Discipleship Counseling blog.

I encourage you to familiarize yourself with the work Freedom in Christ Ministries is doing to help set people free through the power of Christ.

Seek First

While teaching at Talbot School of Theology a young lady called me from the other side of the country asking for help. She said that she had deep personal problems and was plagued by condemning and blasphemous thoughts. I said I would give her a half day (an offer I can’t make anymore) if she wanted to fly to California.

She had some deep spiritual issues. I was glad the airplane stayed in the air with her in it! After she shared her story she quoted 3 John 2, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health.” Why isn’t God doing that for me, she asked? I said, I think you need to finish the verse, which reads, “just as your soul prospers.” You have had two abortions, and have tried three times to kick a drug addiction. I remember thinking at the time that the verse was working!

Jesus Loves You

Photo by Jurijus Azanovas

God wants your soul to prosper first. Then everything else falls into order. The same reasoning follows for Psalm 37:4, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Isn’t that great Christian?  God is going to give you the desires of your heart. That is a promise of God. Claim it now and if it doesn’t happen you are not believing hard enough! What rubbish! You are supposed to delight yourself in the Lord first, then He will give you the desires of your heart. If you don’t do that first, your desires will be springing from your flesh, and you will never be able to satisfy those desires. The more you try, the more the flesh grows. If you delight yourself in the Lord, your desires will change. You will desire love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, which is the fruit of the Spirit. What has more value to you than the fruit of the Spirit?

Suppose you told your son to mow the lawn and he didn’t do it. His rebellious nature has caused a rift between the two of you. Then he says, Hey Dad, I have a hot date tonight. I need the keys to the car, and twenty dollars. Would you give him the keys and the twenty dollars? Would God? I don’t think so. I believe God would look very lovingly at His son and say, You need to get right with me first, mow the lawn like I asked, and then we will talk about your “hot date.” If the son actually did that, he may realize the “hot date,” isn’t the best idea after all.

You can find the original post here.

10 Lies Men Believe about Porn Preview

How to Reach the Point where Porn is No Longer a Temptation

I used to love snowshoeing. Nothing made me feel more alive than getting out into the snowy backcountry to explore the frozen beauty of God’s creation in the winter.

Once I bought backcountry skis though, I suddenly realized how lame snowshoeing really was.

Instead of trudging awkwardly down powder-loaded bowls, I now could float down them effortlessly. Instead of loading my heavy alpine boots into my pack while trudging up the mountain, I could climb with my skis on my feet, shaving 15 pounds off my pack load.

Skin TrackIf someone had told me I would need to give up snowshoeing before I had discovered backcountry skiing, it would have broken my heart. I would have fought it passionately. My desire for the winter wilderness was too strong to ignore or overcome. But by discovering something infinitely better though, giving it up wasn’t even an issue. In fact, I forgot about my snowshoes altogether until recently when I dug them out to sell on Craigslist.

The same thing happens when you discover the true desire you are attempting to meet through pornography. Instead of fighting the temptation to look at porn, you will simply forget about it. I know this sounds too good to be true, but again, isn’t that why the Gospel is called the good news?

In order to do this though, you will need to do some digging around in your desires, and no one knows the true desires of your heart better than the One who redeemed it in the first place. The next time you feel drawn to look at porn, stop for a minute and ask Jesus what your real desire is. What are the deepest desires of my redeemed heart? What does my new nature truly desire? Ask Jesus, He knows.

Often times, especially at first, you will only find a fleshly desire driving you to pornography, and that’s okay. Recognizing this lack of a deeper desire can still help you see the temptation for what it truly is. Perhaps your desire to look at porn is the sexual equivalent of eating an entire box of Oreos. You’re not doing it because you are hungry, you’re doing it because you’re bored. You don’t actually desire food, you just want something to do.

Sometimes, you will discover a legitimate desire driving you towards pornography. Perhaps it’s the need for validation, the need for adventure, or the need for intimacy—all of which are legitimate needs that God has placed in your heart. You may discover your desire to look at pornography is an attempt at meeting one of these needs immediately rather than trusting God to fulfill that need eternally. Recognizing what your heart is truly desiring will hopefully encourage you to shift your mind back to the truth of Scripture, bringing your trust back to the faithfulness of God to meet your needs.

In reality, this process will be similar to peeling layers off of an onion. Each time you go through the exercise of discovering your true desire, you are likely to expose another layer of depth, bringing you to an even deeper understanding of your heart. Over time though, you will become quite skilled at recognizing your deepest desires. For that reason, I would encourage you to practice this process with all of your desires, not just pornography. For example, if I want a new jacket, I ask myself if it’s because I truly need it, or because I desire to look outdoorsy? When I post something on Facebook, is it because I truly believe it’s worth sharing, or because I desire to be seen as witty or interesting?

The more you come to recognize the true desires of your redeemed heart—the more you will desire the things of God and the less you will desire porn. Your view of pornography will start to line up with God’s view, allowing you to see porn for what it really is. You will begin to see the women in those movies as your sisters in Christ. Sisters who are deeply hurt and broken by their own sin and shame. Instead of lust, you will start to feel sadness and empathy for them as you more fully understand the situation they are in. Your desires will shift from objectifying them to praying for them. The idea of pornography as a sexual exercise will eventually become repulsive, saddening, and heart-breaking.

One day, you will suddenly realize that you are no longer fighting pornography because your new heart has stopped desiring it. Porn will become nothing more than a dusty pair of snowshoes sitting in your garage. Yeah, you thought it was fun at one time, but you’ve found something so much better now.

Unlike the band U2, you have finally found what you’re looking for.

So what is your heart truly looking for?

10 Lies Men Believe about Porn Preview

The Peace that Comes from Trusting Jesus

There are many areas in my life where I need to remind myself daily to trust God’s leading instead of following whatever feels right to me at that moment. The biggest example is probably the decision to wait, pray, and remain committed to my ex-wife.

trusthandGod has made it clear to me through a variety of ways that He wants me to leave the door open for the possibility of reconciliation. All throughout scripture I see God restoring what is broken rather than creating something new. I hear the command to love my wife as Christ loved the church, and He continued to love the church even as they rejected Him over and over. Ultimately, God has put His unconditional love in my heart for her—which means my love for her is not conditional on her returning any love back to me.

If I am being honest though, there are many days where I am tempted to listen to my friends when they tell me it’s time to move on. Sometimes, if I find myself becoming interested in a girl I know, my mind starts to wander into what-if situations. I begin to justify in my mind why it makes more sense for me to start dating again. After all, what happens if my wife remains single for ten years and then marries someone else? At that point, I’ll probably be old(er) and bald(er) and wouldn’t be able to find a girl to date even if I wanted to.

But God never promised me we would get back together—He only asked me to wait for her. So for all I know, the good in my life He is orchestrating through this time of waiting may be something completely different from the restoration of our marriage.

Perhaps He knew I would never have the time to write a book if I were married. Maybe His purpose is for my divorce to be an example to other men of how much pornography can cost them. I don’t know.

What I do know, is even if God doesn’t bring us back together, He’s doing something good through my waiting. And trusting that allows me to respond to Him with thankfulness rather than worrying about my life.

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.
(Philippians 4:6–7).

So instead of worrying about whether or not I’m going to be single for the rest of my life, I leave it all in God’s hands, remember the ways He has taken care of me, and trust that He will continue to lead me down the best path for my life.

And that gives me peace.

How is God asking you to trust Him today?

10 Lies Men Believe about Porn Preview

One week later…

Only Jesus can change the hearts of men

It’s been a full week now since the tragic bombing at the Boston Marathon, and it seems like everyone has chimed in since then with their own explanation of how something like this could happen. Most people are trying to find some sort of explanation that will give them hope. They want to believe that their world is safe, that people are basically good, and that we’re on a path to becoming a better society in general. They imagine themselves as the “good” people, and these terrorists as “bad.” But if this were the full story, how do we reconcile all the reports coming from others who personally knew the bombers? They all remember these boys as normal kids, good kids, seemingly incapable of ever committing such an atrocity. They remember these bombers in much the same way that we think of our own friends—and think of ourselves. They are all shocked that such nice boys could do something so evil.

The reality is, apart from the regenerative work of Christ in our hearts, we are all capable of unspeakable evil. Every one of us here on Earth is born full of sin and has the potential for unimaginable wickedness. Every one of us. Our hearts are born literally addicted to sin. And just like any other addiction, it will continually take more and more to satisfy. In the same way no one starts a life of drug use by shooting heroin, no one wakes up one day and decides to plant a bomb in a crowd.

Unfortunately, there are a few hard memories from my own story which illustrate this point all to well:

  • I remember reaching a point where I could no longer feel emotions. I had been hiding and ignoring my emotions for so long as a means to conceal my addiction that they had atrophied. The scariest thing about losing the ability to feel your emotions is you also lose your ability to properly sense any guilt or conviction. I had regressed emotionally to the point where I could watch my own wife cry about the pain I was causing her and literally feel nothing. I had lost the ability to feel empathy, which, at least by definition, meant I had become a psychopath. This didn’t happen overnight of course. It was a long process of unrepentant sin over the span of many years that had brought me to this point.
  • The worst day of my addiction started out just like any other day. Through a series of minor compromises and major lapses in judgement though, I ended up in bed with another woman that evening. If you had asked me that very morning if I would ever commit adultery, I would have told you I was incapable of it. It’s not like I woke up and said “I’m going to destroy my wife with my selfish actions today.” But nonetheless, I did. My pornography addiction had become a full-blown sexual addiction. And again, this wasn’t instant. It was the result of years of small steps in the wrong direction.

Both of these examples show how even a “good” person can be capable of unimaginable evil if they don’t deal with the sin in their hearts. We can say that we are good people all we want, but if don’t find the true answer of how to deal with our sinful natures, we are likely to come face-to-face with the full potential of our sinfulness in extremely painful ways. For me, my sin manifested sexually and blew up my marriage. For these brothers in Boston, their sin manifested through anger and hatred and blew up innocent people.

Folks, this is the reason why we see bombings, school shootings, and unimaginable pain on a regular basis. We are not good people. No one is. The worst part though, is there is nothing we can do about it. But God loves every last one of us so much, He sent His own Son, Jesus, to pay the price for the sinfulness within us. Jesus is our salvation. So it’s not what we can do to take care of our sin problem, it’s what Jesus already did.

Jesus didn’t just cover the penalty of your sin by His death. He also offers you a new, pure, life-filled heart through His resurrection. He can give you a completely new nature. He can actually make you a good person! This is the answer to the world’s problems my friends. Getting rid of guns won’t change anything. Education and tolerance won’t change anything. Policies, laws, rallies, etc. None of this will ever make a significant difference in our world as long as men’s hearts are still full of wickedness and sin. The only thing that will ever change our world, is for the hearts of men to change. And the only way the hearts of men will ever change, is through the work of Jesus Christ, which is available to everyone. This is the good news of the gospel.

You still need convincing that people can truly change? Well, I just got my own proof yesterday. We did a Myers Briggs personality test with my entire office and I found out I am an ENFJ—an Extroverted Feeler. If you aren’t familiar with what that means, let me point out a few descriptors:

  • Highly attuned to others
  • Focus is on supporting others and encouraging their growth
  • Uses empathy to understand other’s emotional needs
  • Devoted to helping others grow

Does this sound like someone who has shut down their emotions and is trapped in the self-focus of addiction? Not at all. If you were to give this description to anyone who knew me three years ago and told them it was my personality type, they would think you were smoking crack. For me, this was scientific proof that I am now a completely new person after putting my faith in Jesus and experiencing the renewing of my heart.

The most amazing thing is I never decided to try to become a better person. I didn’t vow to work hard at developing empathy or putting the needs of other’s first. It just happened. Jesus gave me a new heart, and my behavior changed automatically. I am still human. I am still capable of sin. But the difference is my heart is now full of the love of Christ. Even a non-religious, science-based personality test can see it. Jesus has transformed me into an outwardly focused, heart-driven, lover of others.

Yes, we are all capable or horrendous acts and we all need a solution to the sin in our hearts. But regardless of if we’re talking about the capability within men to plant an explosive bomb in a crowd, or to plant a trauma bomb in their marriage, the answer will always be the same:

We all need Jesus to change our hearts.
Only then will the world see change.

10 Lies Men Believe about Porn Preview

We’re Here for Freedom, Not Just to Wipe Away Snot

If you spend much time around this blog, you will probably notice something which may seem a little odd to you. You may be thinking a blog focusing on finding freedom from pornography addiction should spend a lot of time telling you how to actually overcome pornography addiction. Seems logical, right? Perhaps I will give you a list of steps you can take to limit your exposure. Maybe I’ll try to sell you on your need for a good internet filter. You may have come here expecting an in-your-face character beat-down attempting to guilt you away from downloading another naughty video.

Here’s the deal though: Trying to get you to stop looking at porn won’t solve anything.

In fact, porn isn’t even the problem, it’s merely a symptom of something much deeper.

blow-your-noseDealing solely with the porn is the same as trying to overcome a case of pneumonia with a box of Kleenex and some cough drops. Sure, you may find relief from the dripping nose and the constant coughing, but is anything actually getting better? Nope. You’re just temporarily managing the symptoms. In order to get better, you would need to attack the pneumonia from the source with some potent antibiotics.

In the same way, if you want to find lasting freedom from pornography addiction, you will need to address the deeper issue inside you.

The good news, is the issue inside you is the same as the issue inside everyone else. It’s our hearts. We’re all born with hearts that are broken and full of sin. Sometimes this brokenness bubbles to the surface as anger. Sometimes it’s pride, alcoholism, or gluttony. For you and me, it tends to manifest as the lustful desire for porn.

We all have the same issue, we just medicate it in different ways.

Thankfully, there is a solution available that addresses the root cause of our hearts. And the solution for you, for me, the criminal, the Pope, or anyone else, is exactly the same.

The solution is Jesus.

It’s always Jesus.

Specifically, the work He did on the cross which has the power to give you a new heart. Instead of merely addressing the symptoms for the rest of your life, you can be given a brand new heart!

Once you learn how to live out of your redeemed heart, your pornography addiction will take care of itself.

This is the reason why you will see me posting about God’s grace, your identity in Christ, and the unconditional love of Jesus a lot more than posting specifically on pornography.

The truth is, every post, whether it mentions pornography or not, is about finding the freedom that is offered to you.

After all, Jesus didn’t die on the cross just so you could live a life of striving to manage and control your sin. He died to set you free!

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free (Galatians 5:1).

This is why they call the Gospel the Good News!

10 Lies Men Believe about Porn Preview